Rideshare Accident Lawyer

A rideshare accident lawyer can help those who have suffered an injury, entirely caused by someone else, as a result of an accident involving any of the various rideshare companies across the United States. Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, are an increasingly popular method of reliable transportation. However, hundreds of accidents occur while utilizing these services throughout the country every year, leaving customers and other motorists seriously injured.

Being injured in a rideshare accident should not mean that you have to pay for your medical care. You can file a lawsuit for compensation against the vehicle driver, the parent company, and other vehicle drivers involved in your accident. For more information, contact a rideshare injury attorney to discuss your options.


Common Rideshare Accidents and Injuries

Unfortunately, rideshare drivers such as those for Uber and Lyft, are not immune to traffic accidents. Drivers and passengers in personal vehicles as well as those in rideshare vehicles could suffer severe injuries when involved in an accident.

Below are some common injuries sustained by those victims who were injured in rideshare accidents:

  • Neck Injuries

  • Back Injuries

  • Whiplash

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

  • Burns

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Broken Bones

  • Joint Damage

  • Death


Who is Responsible Should a Rideshare Accident Happen?

Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft,  have their own insurance companies to protect them. Usually, the insurance company will try to contact you and offer a settlement because they do not want to go to court. They know if they have to face an attorney, they will most likely recover more money for you than if you simply accept their initial settlement. It is very important to talk with an attorney who specializes in rideshare accident injuries before signing anything with the insurance companies, so they can ensure you receive compensation for medical bills, employment wages from time off work, and any other monetary recovery you are entitled to.


What to do as a Rideshare Accident Victim?

Regardless of how skillful your Rideshare driver is, they are still human and can make mistakes. While on the other hand, sometimes, your driver may not have been at fault at all, and it could have been the fault of the other driver.

Regardless of who is at fault, if you are injured as a rideshare passenger, you have rights. Navigating the liability process to obtain the money you deserve can be a complex process. It is crucial that you contact a knowledgeable rideshare attorney to utilize their expertise in helping you recover your money as soon as possible after the crash

If you have been injured in a rideshare accident in it is important to:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is important because the insurance companies who evaluate claims will lower the value of your case if they find that you did not seek necessary medical attention immediately.

  • Contact the local police department to make an accident report. Police reports are important in identifying the parties and additional facts of the accident.

  • At the time of the crash, document the names and information of all the drivers involved and any witnesses you can find. Take pictures of the scene, vehicle damage, and personal injuries. These will be immensely helpful for your rideshare attorney as he builds your case.

  • DO NOT TALK TO ANY THE INSURANCE COMPANIES INVOLVED until you have spoken with an experienced Uber accident attorney.


Common Causes for Rideshare Injury Accidents

As rideshare services become more popular as a means of transportation, the number of accidents involving them has also increased.
Some reasons for an increase in these types of accidents include:

  • Distracted driving due to the drivers relying on the phone application for directions and to obtain new riders.

  • Rideshare drivers will stop on the street wherever the GPS tells them to rather than in a safe area.

  • Rushing to new fares or to finish fares leading to speeding and other aggressive tactics that also lead to accidents.

  • Additional causes include lack of sleep, failure to properly maintain their vehicles, negligence while driving, and driving while intoxicated.


What Damages Can Be Recovered in a Rideshare Accident Lawsuit?

After involvement in a rideshare accident, you have the right to recover assorted damages to help you overcome the traumatic and frustrating situation. Not only are the injuries from the accident painful and difficult to cope with, but the accident can also cause emotional trauma. You may struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety or depression because of everything that transpired. Recovering damages is an important way to hold the negligent party responsible for their actions while receiving compensation for your pain and suffering.

The following are a few of the damages you can expect to recover when injured in a rideshare accident:

  • Loss of Income
    Whether your injuries were serious enough to prevent you from working, you’ve had to leave your job due to lack of sick time, or just taking time off, an experienced rideshare attorney can assist you with recovering the lost income caused by your rideshare accident involvement.

  • Loss of Quality of Life
    When an accident is bad enough to cause severe injuries, those injuries could change your life for the worse, making it hard for you to walk, use your arms, or live your life without chronic pain. Because of the loss of your quality of life, you have the right to seek compensation for the extensive injuries and the way that those injuries have negatively affected you.

  • Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering
    Pain and Suffering extends far beyond those injuries that are visible. When you are suffering from emotional trauma related to an accident and the stresses of recovery, it can lead to suffering you would not have endured if you had never been involved in the accident.

  • Medical Expenses
    Quality medical care in the United States is not a cheap expense. Even when you are covered by medical insurance, the insurance company may not cover expenses related to a rideshare accident. With an attorney’s help, you can recover compensation for the costs of your medical treatment and medications.


Will I be able to still use Rideshare services if I file a lawsuit? 

Many people are afraid of hiring a rideshare injury attorney to represent them in their case against a rideshare company, such as Uber or Lyft, since they rely heavily on their services. You may be worried that filing a claim against the company will result in you being banned from ever using them again, but this is simply not the case.

If you bring a valid injury claim under the insurance policy from the rideshare company, they can not penalize you by suspending or banning you from using their services. Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, are required to pay a certain percentage of every fare directly to their insurance companies in order to cover liability in the event of an accident.

Be sure to keep in mind that the accident injury claim you present needs to be fully documented and verified. Meaning, it needs to be documented by authorities such as emergency medical personnel, medical staff that treated you in the hospital, or the police. Your claim will not be considered valid without full documentation.

How a Rideshare Lawyer Can Help 

After you have taken photos of the accident and have received treatment at the hospital for any injuries, you need to get professional legal advice from committed rideshare injury attorneys. You will meet with an attorney for a consultation to discuss the accident and everything that occurred.

For example, you may have witnessed the driver of your Uber running through a red light or doing something else that they should not have done while operating a vehicle. No matter the situation, your attorney will listen to you, review the evidence you have, and then determine who would be responsible, such as the driver of the rideshare vehicle, the rideshare company, or the driver of another vehicle who was involved in the accident.

Getting into an accident with another vehicle while riding as a passenger in a rideshare vehicle is scary and frustrating. Not only did it happen unexpectedly, but the accident may have left you with countless injuries that are preventing you from living life to the fullest.

When involved in a rideshare-related accident, you should have an experienced and knowledgeable rideshare injury attorney on your side to take an aggressive approach to seek justice for you. A lawyer will work hard to hold the responsible parties accountable and help you obtain the compensation needed to continue your life without the worry of going into debt.