When you have a list of errands to take care of you might stop at a local Dollar Tree or Family Dollar store. The dollar store is a popular stop for the most used items in life, such as paper towels, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper plates, greeting cards, wrapping paper and other items. Why? For starters, the items mostly cost $1 or less. Did you know that the owner of the dollar store you visit has a duty to keep you safe while on your property? This is what’s known as a duty of care under premises liability law.


Premises liability ensures that visitors/customers of commercial properties are protected when they lawfully visit dollar stores and other commercial spots. When there are hazards on the premises they can lead to various types of accidents that can injure people of all ages. One such hazard is unmarked pallets left in aisles, outside the Dollar Tree, or even in the parking lot of the store. A trip and fall accident caused by unmarked pallets at a dollar store can leave you seriously injured to the point where you need to file a claim for compensation against the owner of the store.


The Dangers of Unmarked Pallets

Pallets are commonly used all throughout the commercial industry. They are found in retail stores all across the country, including various dollar stores like Dollar General and Dollar Tree. Pallets often arrive at these stores on trucks with goods packed in plastic sitting on top of them. This is how large loads of products are moved from one location to another. If the items do not sit on a pallet they might move around, fall apart, or even tip over when in transit. Even though pallets are important they are also dangerous, especially if they are left in random areas of the store without any signage.


Employees of the dollar store you patronize have a responsibility to keep all the aisles of the store clear of debris and other hazards. Pallets can easily become hazardous when they are left in the aisle without any markings or other signage. It’s best for shelves to be restocked either overnight when the store is closed or during the hours of the day when customer foot traffic is light. This will help prevent accidents. If shelves have to be restocked during the day the pallets should either be kept in the storage area of the store or out behind the building on the loading dock.


Injuries Caused by Unmarked Pallets

If you are ever involved in an accident caused by unmarked pallets at a Dollar General you could suffer a wide range of injuries, including any of the following:


  • Head trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Sprained ankles
  • Puncture wounds
  • Back injuries
  • Torn muscles
  • Strained muscles


If you are ever injured by an unmarked pallet at a Dollar Tree it is important for you to report the incident immediately to management. Take pictures of your injury and the exact area where the incident occurred. Ask for a copy of the report from management so you can keep it in your records. Seek immediate medical attention and make copies of all your medical bills, invoices and receipts from expenses related to the accident.